Monday, November 07, 2005


I went to the sup'rmarket today an' bought a jarfull o' pickles. Lat'r, I ate som'a those pickles with m' hamburgers. When the jar o' pickles w's empty (all 'cept fer the juice), I went to Mace's and asked him if he had any pickles. He said he din't have no pickles. Anakin was in the hospit'l, so I couldn't ask him if he had none. I'ws walkin' in the corridor, wondrin' if anyone had any pickles 'round here, when I heard a noise from the parkin place. Of course! Whoever'ws in dere must have pickles! I ran down and open'd the door.

"Hey dere! You got any-"

Man, that, that thing was as big as a bantha, with bantha smells, an bantha hair an everthing. The on'y thing differnt was the smell.

"Whoa! I ain't askin you fer no pickles!" Then I quickly went an slammed the door.

Someone ought to tell Mace there's a honkin' monster in his parkin spot.


Blogger Unknown said...


5:00 PM  
Blogger Master Yoda said...

Get along with Bob you will, Kenobi. The same, both of you smell.

Sufficient for that purpose my Force-wedgies are.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Obi-Wan Kenobi said...

What smell?

1:49 PM  
Blogger Jawa Juice said...

ooo, maybe we can borrow him to sniff out Fluke?

8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm pickles!

6:21 PM  
Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Smell that funky bantha, Obi.

4:56 AM  

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